Write For Us

Guest Post Guidelines Cover

Trade Crypto is a platform designed for our community involved with the decentralized economy and the transformation of the financial system. Our mission is to share hot news, guides, reviews, interviews, and events for a society that wants to be in control of its money and data.

Do you want to write for us? Here are some things to know!

  • Our audience: Blockchain enthusiasts, crypto traders, crypto miners, investors, developers, economists, and tech geeks.
  • Our tone: Our media is professional when reporting and distributing information valuable to the readers. However, it is friendly and interesting to read.
  • Our topics: Crypto trading, reviews of trading software, reviews of p2e apps, cutting-edge tech, blockchain tutorials, legal regulations in crypto, bitcoin, and altcoin how-to articles.
  • Our posts: We publish a wide variety of post types, including (but not limited to!):
  1. New or different angles on crypto topics.
  2. First-hand accounts of experiments/strategies/tests.
  3. How-to guides/cheat sheets for techniques and platforms.
  4. Lists of tips, tools, or compelling strategies.
  5. Industry trends, data, and insights.
  6. Vertical-specific advice.
  7. Creative ideas and real examples.
  8. Examples/templates.
  9. Video tutorials.
  10. Reviews and comparison articles for trading/lending software and wallets.
  11. Infographics.

Guest post requirements

We only accept posts that are high-quality, original, well-structured, and relevant to our audience. Here are some tips on how to get your guest post accepted by our editorial team.

1. Get to know us

Please read our blog posts before pitching your article to us. This will help you not only to choose a topic but also to understand our tone of voice, format, text structure, image standards, etc.

2. Make sure you are offering an original topic

We do not have any interest in publishing two articles about the same thing. If you are interested in writing about a topic we have already covered, you would have to offer a new angle or a bird viewpoint and explain why your post will be an added value to our site.

3. Check our specifics

Here is what you SHOULD deliver:

  • Optimal length: 1,500 – 3,000 words
  • Short intro: ~150 words. Open the door to the topic. Introduce the “hook” to entertain the readers to read on.
  • Friendly tone: conversational, educational, confident.
  • High quality: original, actionable, organized, and accurate!
  • Skimmability: headings, subheadings, short paragraphs
  • Images: screenshots, graphs, charts, concept illustrations, images from our existing posts, etc. A meme or two is okay. Images that don’t belong to us/you need to be cited via “Image source” anchor text under each image. Send the images in a google drive folder.
  • Short bio: 1-3 sentences, can include a link to your website or social accounts.
  • Headshot.
  • SEO title – Please include an additional SEO title if your article title is longer than 60 characters.
  • Meta description – Please include a meta description no longer than 256 characters.

Here is what you SHOUDLN’T send to us:

  • Vague content with a lack of depth of knowledge on a topic.
  • Fluff, filler words.
  • Overly promotional content.
  • Previously published or sponsored content.

About the process

Send us your pitch with the topic and a short outline of what the article will cover. Bear in mind that we receive a big load of guest post requests, so please be patient and we will try our best to respond within one week.

Once we approve your pitch, you can start writing. If the draft you submit meets our quality standards, we keep on with the editorial process. We might need you to improve some parts of the text, images, references, etc.

When we are done with your piece, we can schedule it for publishing. Depending on our schedule, your post will go live within 2-3 weeks.

Ready to send us your pitch?

Reach us out at guestwriting@tradecrypto.com

We are looking forward to reading from you!

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